The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting colder, so we all need to prepare for winter!  I have kept my horses at home almost every year during winter, and I give them some much needed time off during the rainy season.  So here are some tips and tricks that I use when keeping my guys at home.

1- Make sure you either have a stall or a open shed connected to their corral so that they can stay out of the rain.
2- Make sure your blankets are water proof, if you put a blanket on that isn't water proof it will hurt more than help them.
3- If your stalls are getting really muddy, buy a few bags of Dry Stall.  It will soak the water right up, and help to keep your stalls dry.
4- Take your horse(s) out when it isn't raining and jog them around your yard, in the barn isle, let them out into a round pen, basically anywhere it is dry that they can get some exercise.
5- Feed extra hay during winter to keep your horse(s) at their best weight. 

Its always hard weathering the rainy season, but hopefully with my tips it will be a little easier!
