I was driving home yesterday, and there was this guy that turned on to the same road as me.  At first I didn't think anything of it, he was a good distance away.  When I looked back up into my mirror just about half a minute later, he was about a foot off my bumper, and there was a stop sign ahead so he couldn't pass me.  Feeling kind of evil I went really slow after the stop sign and he was still following me.  I usually go about 5 over the speed limit, but this time I was about 5 under.  The guy refused to pass me, and he just staid right on my bumper.  Finally there was a fork in the road, and I slowed way down to go left, and once I was out of his way, he zoomed to the right.  I was free of the asshole driver!

I don't see why people have to be such shitty and inconsiderate drivers.  I get when you are in a hurry, but you should give yourself enough time to get to whatever you have planned, and not be rushing at the last minute.  These stupid people don't realize that they are endangering their lives and also all of our by being stupid and having to speed, tail gait, and just being bad drivers.  They really frustrate me!  Oh well, I survived the bad driver, and I hope you all do as well!!